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Conference Paper
Mirroring Resources or Mapping Requests: implementing WS-RF for Grid workflows, Heinis, T.; Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2006), 00/05/2006, Singapore, (2006) Abstract BibTex
Parallel Computing Patterns for Grid Workflows, Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proceedings of the HPDC2006 workshop on Workflows in support for large-scale Science (WORKS06), Paris, France, (2006) Abstract BibTex
Autonomic Execution of Service Compositions, Pautasso, C.; Heinis, T.; Alonso, G. , Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), July 2005, Orlando, Florida, (2005) Abstract BibTex
Design and Evaluation of an Autonomic Workflow Engine, Heinis, T.; Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC-05), June 2005, Seattle, Washington, (2005) Abstract BibTex
Flexible Binding for Reusable Composition of Web Services, Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Software Composition (SC 2005), April 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, (2005) Abstract BibTex
JOpera: an Agile Environment for Web Service Composition with Visual Unit Testing and Refactoring, Pautasso, C. , Proc. of the 2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing (VL/HCC'05), September 2005, Dallas, TX, (2005) Abstract BibTex
Publishing Persistent Grid Computations as WS Resources, Heinis, T.; Pautasso, C.; Deak, O.; Alonso, G. , Proc. of the 1st IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2005), 00/12/2005, Melbourne, Australia, (2005) Abstract BibTex
From Web Service Composition to Megaprogramming, Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proceedings of the 5th VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (TES-04), 29/08/2004, Toronto, Canada, (2004) Abstract BibTex
Visual Composition of Web Services, Pautasso, C.; Alonso, G. , Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland, New Zealand, (2003) Abstract BibTex
A Flexible System for Visual Service Composition, Pautasso, C. , Diss. ETH No. 15608, (2004) Abstract BibTex
JOpera - Eclipse-based Visual Composition Environment featuring a general language for heterogeneous service composition, Pautasso, C. , Paris, France, (2012) BibTex
Building Mashups with a RESTful Workflow Engine, Pautasso, C. , 05.07.2010, ComposableWeb@ICWE, Vienna, Austria, (2010) BibTex
BPM with REST, Pautasso, C. , 06 October 2010, Berlin, Germany, (2010) BibTex
RESTful Service Composition with JOpera, Pautasso, C. , 21.05.2010, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, (2010) Abstract BibTex
WS-* vs. RESTful Services, Pautasso, C. , 30.6.2010, Hersonissos, Crete, (2010) BibTex
Composing REST Services, Pautasso, C. , Schloss Dagstuhl, (2009) Abstract BibTex
JOpera and XtremWeb-CH in the Virtual EZ-Grid, Pautasso, C. , 6.2.2009, Geneva, Switzerland, (2009) BibTex
Some REST Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns), Pautasso, C. , 23.10.2009, 2nd International SOA and Cloud Symposium, Rotterdam, NL, (2009) Abstract BibTex
RESTful Web Service Composition with JOpera, Pautasso, C. , 27.11.2008, NICTA, Sydney, Australia, (2008) Abstract BibTex
Introduction to JOpera, Pautasso, C. , 17.1.2007, Whitestein Technologies, Zurich, (2007) BibTex
Composing Grid Workflows with JOpera for Eclipse, Pautasso, C. , 25.9.2006, RCAC, Purdue University, USA, (2006) BibTex
Grid Workflows: SODIUM and JOpera projects, Pautasso, C. , 28.9.2006, Swiss Grid Day, Geneva, (2006) BibTex
JOpera: an Autonomic Platform for Service Composition, Pautasso, C. , 15.3.2006, IBM Watson Research Lab, New York, (2006) BibTex
JOpera: Composing Service Oriented Architectures with Workflows, Pautasso, C. , 20.6.2006, University of Versailles, Paris, France, (2006) BibTex
Model-driven Service Composition with JOpera, Pautasso, C. , 29.6.2006, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Rueschlikon, Switzerland, (2006) BibTex