How to publish a process as a RESTful Web Service?

Hi, JOpera Team.

I am with other problem in the JOpera...

How to publish a process as a RESTful Web Service?

I did look in your HTML and PDF manual and didn't find nothing about this.

Thank for your attention.

Best regards,
Rodrigo Marques Pupe.

This is done automatically

You can find your processes published as RESTful Web Services listed on


By getting each process URI (follow the links) you will get a form listing the input parameters required to start the process

By posting that form (with Action=Run) you will start a new process instance and wait for its results.

By posting that form (with Action=Start) you will start a new process instance and be redirected to its URI.

You can also get the current state of all process instances

If you do not want a process to be published this way just uncheck the Published box in the process definition oml file

You can find more information about JOpera's RESTful API here: